
Action for Inclusion Today


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Every Child Matters

Reach2Teach Action for Inclusion Today (AFIT) is an intuitive, easy to use, evidence-based needs analysis tool that helps identify what learning and relational needs may underlie a pupil's challenging behaviour or performance, and provides tried and tested successful strategies to enable a pupil to settle to learn

Action for inclusion

AFIT is designed to help the inclusion of as many children as possible in mainstream education and thus minimise exclusions

Personalised Strategies

AFIT recommends actions to support vulnerable children and checks if actions have made an impact for the child

Unique Evidencing Tool

First ever interactive evidencing and needs analysis tool for inclusion, correlated with SDQs

Used by Key Professionals

All key professionals working with a pupil can use AFIT, communicate and share information and advice

How it Works


Promotes Inclusion

AFIT is designed to help the inclusion of as many children as possible in mainstream education and thus minimise exclusions

Recommends Actions

Recommends actions to support vulnerable children and checks if actions have made an impact for the child

Powerful Reporting

Automatically generated dashboard provide complete child profile to aid overview that can be exported or printed

Identifies Trends

Identifying trends enables early appropriate intervention


Cross checks and correlates with the world-renowned The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

Improves Communication

Essential document and information sharing securely & enables outside agencies to access and impart information within GDPR

Saves Time

Simple and easy to use software, no more paper trails

Chronology Building

Easy way to securely record information on a child in one place and in chronological order

Mobile Compatible

Works on any web enabled device – easy for busy professionals to analyse and start early interventions from wherever they are in the school

Pupil transfer

GDPR compliant data transfer if a pupil moves school

Data Import

Import data from Information Management Systems such as SIMS